Sunday, June 13, 2010

Double Tap

What better way to celebrate the end of a work week than with a fridge full of beer. Add a house full of people and you've got yourself a party. And if your friends brew their own beer and supply it- for free- your house gets raided. No just kidding... but we did have a house full of peeps and a ton of free beer. Ales and belgians and stouts and all kinds of tasty empty calories shared shelf space in my fridge.

I started off with their "two year anniversary" IPA and quickly discovered the Belgian named Double Tap. Double Tap spent the rest of the night with me. We bonded like two middle school kids in a movie theatre.

However, our bond quickly broke around 2 am. I was walking as well as the Australian goalie guarded the net today...yeah, that good. Talking was nearly impossible and I soon became reacquainted with my porcelain friend. I'm not quite sure where the boy was in all of this because I distinctly remember (which is saying something) R holding my hair back as I tasted my antipasto salad again. Not so good that time in case you were wondering.

I don't remember much after the upchucking. Not sure how I made it into my bed or even what time that was but I do know I was supremely confused Saturday morning when I rolled over. I squinted my eyes, saw the clock flashing 7am and thought, oh hell no, not even trying to move yet. I rolled back over, reached my arm out to put around the boy and saw long brown hair. What. The. Hell.

R was stretched out beside me. In my bed. I did a double take to make sure I still had clothes on (hey, as much as I had to drink...jk) and when I realized I slept with a bra (among many other articles of clothing) on I thought, eff it, I'll find the boy in the morning--later morning.

A couple hours later R and I did the walk of shame down my steps. Well, really it was no shame for her, but I knew I was about to hear stories from several hours earlier. Ps. the demand for oreos and then subsequent throwing up of said oreos (in someone's hand) was one of my favorites.

Double Tap you dirty bastard. Your smoothness may have worked this time...but alas...oh hell, who am I will probably work again next time. Until we meet again good sir.

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