Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's a sad, sad Wednesday

"After all, if growing up is war, then the friends who grew up with you deserve a special respect. The ones who stuck by you shoulder to shoulder, in a time when nothing was certain, all life lay ahead, and every road led home"- Wonder Years

It's a tad nostalgic at my home tonight. Actually, it's more than nostalgic, it's just plain sad. Christmas is packed up and put away, but that's not the reason sadness is in the air tonight. This Christmas marked the last Christmas my roommate and I will spend together. No, not the boy roommate. The best friend roommate. In a couple of months if all goes well (fingers crossed) the boy and I will move into a house of our own (one that does not come with jumping spider/cricket creatures in the basement or leaking pipes) and live happily ever after...or so we hope. This also signals the end of my tenure as co-tenants with M.

Our friendship started off in the most peculiar way. She decided to entertain extracurricular affairs outside of her current relationship and I ended a 10 year relationship and immediately jumped into another. We bonded over bottles of wine, a horrible break-up with her ex, and my overall lack of interest in my then relationship, followed by two months of pretending I was single when I was actually dating the boy again. We worked together, played together, and eventually moved in together.

In an essence, M and I are the perfect couple. She cleans, I cook. She's emotional, I'm practical. I encourage her to act reckless and childish and she reminds me that I'm an adult and should act accordingly. We balance each other out like wine and tequila...oh wait, only in our world does that balance out.

While we were packing up, I reflected over our relationship. I rewinded to three years ago when weekdays and weekends drifted together. Dinner was whatever we felt like ordering from Panera that night and we lived two doors down from R (who I love just as much as M). We drank too much, laughed too much, and lived too freely. We got ourselves into some unfavorable situations every now and then but together we pulled through. As I sit here and lament life as it used to be I force myself to remember that life today is not unpleasant by any means. We have real jobs and steady, healthy relationships (probably for the first time ever). But we rarely find the time or money to dine out anymore. Wine bottles are opened only on the weekends and even then we aren't up until the sun rises anymore. This growing up business put a damper on our easy breezy lifestyle.

Things are changing once again in my world and I'm thrilled at all of the new adventures that lay ahead especially since a wonderful man will be accompanying me on this journey-but I know one thing for sure- my first home away from home was the apartment I shared with M and now my home is the house I share with M and... boy, I'm sure going to miss home when I move again...

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