"Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself...'How did I get through all of that?"- Wonder Years
I understand further explanation is needed at this point. My future in-laws and my Mom came to Baltimore for a visit today. The boy (maybe I should start calling him the man since we are now engaged...nah, I like boy better) and I took them to Famous Daves for a nice lunch. And it was nice, I could barely move when we left. Which is probably why I left behind the something of grave importance (nooo...not my new shiny ring)... my bag- complete with wallet.
Skip the hours of food coma and viewings of numerous decorative choices for the new house and at 8:30 I received a rather friendly, yet alarming email from Bank of America advising of irregular card activity. Thinking nothing of it, I log on to my account to see not one, not two, but 5 pending transactions totally a lot more money than I would want to give away. I immediately freak out, and yes, I mean I'm on the verge of a complete melt down, when I realize I never picked up my purse from the back of the chair...pure stupidity. I jump on my cell to cancel my three Bank of America cards and grab the roomie's phone to dial up Discover to cancel that card when the boy yells down that FD has my purse. Two cell phones in hand and I'm headed out the door only to arrive back at FD to find that the perp has actually stolen my purse...lack of common decency rather than moral character I suppose. While it was in FD possession at one time, it has completely disappeared (well it disappeared for a short time as it reappeared at two gas stations, a liquor store, and a rite aid right around the corner).
A bajillion phone calls later and the sniffling back of tears, I've learned a very hard lesson. I need to start taking something for my memory and people in general just suck. I would NEVER EVER steal another individual's belongings especially their hard earned money. Hell, I just donated 5 bags of clothes to goodwill.... wasn't that enough giving for a bit?
I'm hoping this is not the precursor to my year to come. I'd like to think this is just a glitch in what is going to be an otherwise pretty awesome year but I'm slightly skeptical at this point. What's that old saying, something about experience being the best teacher. Well, I've been schooled. I think it is safe to say I'll be double checking that the items I bring with me, leave with me. Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010. Look at that, I kept the rambling to a bare minimum...
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