Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we knew it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves... for growing up. -- Wonder Years
I've toyed with the idea of blogging for over a year now. I've set up an account twice and then sheepishly backed out at the last moment, similar to the stereotypical situation where the red rose lapel wearing man stares aimlessly around, in search of the woman donning her red rose (meanwhile, she has snuck out the back door of the restaurant)-wait, did I start to ramble already?
Back on subject-so today, I've taken the plunge, unlike the lady who snuck out the back door, and have decided to commit to this blog. While, I couldn't commit to a particular topic (I contemplated one revolving around the politically savvy, but my wiser better-half suggested otherwise, although politics will creep into my writing from time to time, reader beware!) I've decided to blog about the life of a twenty-something.
Twenty something is an interesting age group. It's a decade of transition. In my case, the transition is from college graduate to adult. I'm responsible for earning wages, appropriately dispensing said wages to various bills, saving for my future home, all the while attempting to maintain my twenty something lifestyle (rich in moderate (not quite fine) dining, the latest fashion trends and electronics, and a nightlife).
It's a period of getting to know yourself-I've found out I have above average culinary skills and I'm not quite as scared of marriage as I once was (yes, gasp!) And while the idea of "growing up" is still terrifying to me, I'm enjoying this transition period, this getting to know "me" period. As should everyone in their twenty somethings. At this point, life can take you wherever you want to go. It's the time to challenge your base, expand your mind, and take the chances that you wouldn't necessarily be able to take when you're forty something.
Don't get me wrong, being an adult can utterly, for a lack of better term, blow at times. I have credit card debt, I can't decorate my room in polka dots or other fun "girl" decor because my live-in boyfriend refuses to sleep in purple sheets, and when laundry hasn't been done in a month, I'm the one slaving over 6 loads. But all an all, the entrance into adulthood hasn't been too painful. I have a decent job (one that I love actually), I live in a decent neighborhood (with a man I love), and I'm walking a clearer line between social drinker and alcoholic. Yeah, growing up might just be okay.
Well, I've rambled enough for today and my boyfriend is biting at the bullet to read this, as I've shooed him away because I can't type while he's standing behind me-wait there I go again rambling....
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