Friday, September 17, 2010

Breaking and Entering

We had a weird night at our place last night. It started out at 5:30 when I came home to our house W I D E open. Let me preface this by saying I live with the Lock Nazi. He locks our screen door, our deadbolt, and our bottom lock most days just to go to work. He even turns the alarm on when we go to the bar. So, when I rolled in yesterday and the door was not just unlocked, but open, I naturally assumed he was home. When a white fluffy dog didn't come attacking my legs, I realized the boy had taken the dog to get a hair cut. I walked outside just in case the next Jeffrey Dahmer was in my house. As it turns out, he had just forgotten to shut (and lock) the door. About a half hour later we decide to hit up the Greene Turtle near our house. We walk outside, I look at him and he looks at me, as to say "Who's driving?". And guess what? We locked both sets of keys in the house. Ironic, considering not too long ago anyone could've walk right in.

About two months ago I watch my neighbor hoist his (maybe) girlfriend through their upstairs window to get in their locked house. I figured he could be of assistance. As I'm chatting with him about our predicament, the boy takes his credit card, and no lie, is in our house within 45 seconds. 45 seconds! Greeeeat. It's safe to say we'll be using that alarm every day now. And I too will be joining the Lock Nazi ranks.

Oh did I mention, we went to sleep with my keys still in the door? Yep, this morning the boy discovered them swinging away in the door as he left to take the dog for a walk. Strange evening indeed.

Marriage Counseling

The boy insisted on getting married in a little white church. In order to get married in a little white church, we have to go through their marriage prep. To say I dreaded last Saturday would be an understatement. The last thing I wanted to do for 4 hours on a Saturday was sit in a room and listen to some man (or woman) preach to me about how to be a better catholic. I was shockingly surprised. While bible verses and scriptures were thrown in every now and then, it was basically about how to better communicate. The church lady was "normal" and her husband joined half way through and they gabbed about how much they fought about money in the beginning, chores, kids, etc. It wasn't terrible. And they gave us free coffee and pastries. This weekend is round two and the topics of discussion are sex and money. This should lead into one helluva blog post next week. Good times.