So it's official, we bought a house. It came with a lot of painting to be done, new flooring to be installed, a faux 80s diner countertop, and some cussing- er, A LOT of cussing. With that being said, we love it and are so excited to move in-eventually.
Working 8 hour days and running back and forth between two houses over the past week has been GAWD AWFUL. But slowly (and I mean very slowly) the house is materializing into something beeeeautiful. Back at the ranch (aka the rental), we're dodging brown boxes and trying to seperate two years worth of stuff. I question how I've accumulated so much crap in each room I try and pack up.
Work (as in my actual paid job) has been busy, especially because this was my first full week back. Between snow, federal holidays, settlement, and sickness and doctor appointments, I've maybe worked 8 full days this month. In those 8 days, I've worked my ass off to make sure I don't fall too far behind. I mean, I'm only trying to save people from losing their houses, etc.
With all that being said, my life has been insanely boring these last few weeks. I've had a few nights out in between a lot of work. One night which was ridiculously awkward, but that friends, is for a post all on it's own.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Back to Civilization
Today was my first real day back to work since that big ass snowstorm Mother Nature dumped on us. I had a half day last Friday but seriously, who counts Friday as a work day? Especially a half day.
The boy and I did our share of rejuvenating the economy this weekend. With new homeownership looming over us (tomorrow is the day!), we need a crap load of stuff-including appliances, a mattress made for three (get your dirty lil minds out of the gutter- the dog unfortunately has a stake in our bed) and some badass furniture. We checked almost everything off our laundry list but we still have a good amount left to buy. (Ps, if anyone is wondering- yes, we are currently taking donations!)
Plus, I did a little retail therapy myself-I mean when The Limited is selling pants for $39.50 you jump on that. And those shoes I bought are the perfect weekend shoe... thank God for that tax money.
Ah, the 10 days of rest and relaxation (and climbing the walls to reconnect with the outside) is over and reality has set back in. Here's to a good Blue Moon to get me through the week.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Snopac Returns
So, as most of you know (if you've listened the least bit to the news) the Snopacolypse has hit the East Coast with a vengeance (similar to Elin with Tiger's golf club). Charm City was hit with about two and a half feet of the white powdery mess. No worries ladies and gents, we're stocked with beer, wine, spirits, and maybe even a little food.
For our family scattered around the South and West, enjoy the pics!
At 4:30 yesterday, after 3 hours of snow fall, Snopac had only graced us with about 2 inches.
At 8:30 last night, the inches started piling up. Snopac was up to about 4-5 inches. At this point, M and I were a bottle deep in wine and decided it was best to keep the camera away from the watery outside.
And, when we arose from our sleep/wine coma, we had over 2 feet. The boy is starting to shovel a path for the Tuck to do his biz.
Our 3 foot back fence is disappearing in Snopac.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
We Are Procrastinators
"I remember a place...a town...a house like a lot of houses...a yard like a lot of other yards...on a street like a lot of other streets. And the things is, after all these years, I still look back...with wonder."- Wonder Years
Our closing is scheduled for two weeks from today. In 14 days, the boy and I will become homeowners...which in all honesty scares the shit out of me. I was thinking about this last night...I've moved approximately every 8 months for about the last 5 years. The longest I've stayed in one place is 9 1/2 months. And here I am, about to commit to one house... one neighborhood for at least 5 years. Bring out the paper bag!
But on the topsy turvy side, I'm ridiculously excited about putting a chunk of my paycheck into something that will one day reward me with a little equity and hopefully a profit, rather than blowing chunks after Max's on a Friday night. God knows our out of control bar nights are going to be less frequent with a mortgage now.
Anyway, two weeks and we get the keys to the new place-if all goes well. And we've yet to pack one thing. We have a pile of crap hanging out in our dining room (from Christmas) that we neglected to find a home for and clothes scattering our room that belong on hangers, in drawers etc. I'm assuming I'm mentally preparing for the move. We packed overnight when we moved into this place/shithole. We took the day off and surrounded ourselves with newspapers, cotton exchange (reminds me of granny panties) boxes and a sharpie and packed into the wee hours of the morning. I'm guessing with our track record history will repeat itself and we'll be packing the night before our big move.
Bring on the paint brushes, blue moon, and some good tunes. Damn I wish I could find my ipod...
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